Social Worker

Ben Shoan is a director of Skorh Enviro-Tech Inc, in Canada. He is a long time donor and friend of Friends for Education International. 

About Bhajan (Ben) Shoan in his own words.

I am from Punjab village. I belong to the Chamar caste and experienced all forms of discrimintation. My father joined the Indian army in 1939, was injured and retired in 1945. My parents worked hard 24×7 to make sure that their children get an education. I did my M Sc in India, thanks to Dr Ambedkar for his effort to start reservations. I immigrated to United Kingdom due to discrimination I faced in India. When I was unable to help my parents immigrate to the UK, I I immigrated to Canada and then helped my parents, family, and relatives to immigrate there as well. I have three kids. My daughter is a graduate, one of my sons is a lawyer and another is in the real estate business. I have achieved all this with the help of the almighty GOD.

A friend of mine brought your organization to my notice. I started contributing $200.00 every year. I helped another organization in Mullanpur, Punjab (Dr. Ambedkar Bhavan) with $15,000. I also donated $100,000 in stocks and cash to another organization working for Dalits, SHUKRANA. I authorized Shukrana to send at least $800.00 every year to your organization, it will be forever. I am already over 80. Your organization should get this amount every year, if it doesn’t happen, send them a note. I hope to contribute more as I am in the process of finalizing my will. It makes me very happy to help our people in India, thanks to your organizers and efforts for the last 18 years.

One suggestion I have is to help them get immigration to these countries as we cannot help everyone. If you can encourage our people to pass the IELTS test and get admission in some schools in Canada or Australia or NZ. In Canada I can help or organize help.

I again like to thank your organization and organizers who are helping our community. May God give you strength to keep doing this noble help.

Bhajan (Ben) Shoan